New data editors join our team

One of the most important features of SpottingLog is accurate and up to date aircraft and airport data, without this data entry for susbcribers would be really time consuming. To date we have relied on our own automation and in-house team but as the platform grows we quickly realised this wasn’t something we could do all on our own.

Late last year we advertised to our subscribers an exciting aircraft data editor role to see what interest we might get, we were overwhelmed with the response and from that we would like to welcome 5 new data editors who have recently joined our team.

These new data editors are responsible for keeping aircraft data up to date, this includes past, current and future aircraft, historic aircraft data as well as past, present and future airlines. The aviation world is a fast paced, rapidly changing world and with these new data editors we can keep up to date and have the right data available.

So far since launching our new data editor module the team have achieved the following within the space of 2 months:

  • Created 3704 new aircraft records
  • Updated 4280 aircraft records
  • Created 467 new airlines

If you would like to join our team, you are a subscriber of SpottingLog and can spare some time each week or month, then we would love to hear from you. Simply contact us and let us know you are interested in helping improve our aircraft data. There is no formal commitment but we would recommend a few hours per month to ensure we can reward you with SpottingLog perks!

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